Pisa, Italy

Beyond the iconic tower, there didn’t seem to be much else to the city. It was pretty gritty and, as you can imagine, full of other tourists. One peculiar thing I did see on the way to the tower, however, was a sign noting that one of the nondescript buildings I ambled by was an R&D facility for the search engine Ask.com. Weird.

The tower was interesting though much smaller than I imagined. I mean, you couldn’t fit it into your pocket, but many medium-sized apartment buildings in Toronto are taller.

After I’d seen the tower, I picked up some fruit and yogurt and relaxed in the park that surrounds the tower to enjoy some of the afternoon sun. When I’d finished up my snack, I strolled back to the train station, stopping once for gelatto (or was it twice?) and then headed off to Florence.